Snakk ut nå, eller se din frihet forsvinne for alltid

“The United States is on the fast track to fascism, and the Congress is working right alongside this nation’s traitorous leaders to criminalize any thoughts, words or speeches that disagree with current government policies regarding war, terrorism, domestic surveillance and civil liberties. Simply speaking out against the war on Iraq could soon be labeled a crime. Merely thinking thoughts against the war on Iraq could be considered a criminal act.”


The end of Free Speech in America has arrived at our doorstep. It’s a new law called the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, and it is worded in a clever way that could allow the U.S. government to arrest and incarcerate any individual who speaks out against the Bush Administration, the war on Iraq, the Department of Homeland Security or any government agency (including the FDA). The law has already passed the House on a traitorous vote of 405 to 6, and it is now being considered in the Senate where a vote is imminent. All over the internet, intelligent people who care about freedom are speaking out against this extremely dangerous law: Philip Giraldi at the Huffington Post, Declan McCullagh at CNET’s, Kathryn Smith at, and of course Alex Jones at

This bill is the beginning of the end of Free Speech in America. If it passes, all the information sources you know and trust could be shut down and their authors imprisoned. NewsTarget could be taken offline and I could be arrested as a “terrorist.” Jeff Rense at could be labeled a “terrorist” and arrested. Byron Richards, Len Horowitz, Paul Craig Roberts, Greg Palast, Ron Paul and even Al Gore could all be arrested, silenced and incarcerated. This is not an exaggeration. It is a literal reading of the law, which you can check yourself here:

Les hele artikkelen: lib/realityzone/ UFNSenateBill195 9.htm


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Freedom to Fascism – nå med norsk tekst

Har fått laget norsk tekst i sammarbeid med på filmen ‘America: Freedom to Fascism’, slik at flere skal få med seg viktigheten til denne filmen!
I tillegg har jeg laget en liten intro, som forteller litt om hvorfor denne filmen er relevant for norge… noe den er i aller høyeste grad!

Intro til ‘America: Freedom to Fascism’, Norge på kanten av stupet

Introen ligger også på YouTube
Dersom du vil ha hele Freedom to Facsism DVDen med meny og full pakke, last ned her (torrent). (Dette er en versjon av Lonelantern utgaven av filmen med flere extras.)

Du kan se filmen nå med bra kvalitet og norsk tekst hos
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(Dersom du vil ha dvd filmen tilsendt pr post så send meg en mail på, regn med noen dager leveringstid(litt avhengig av responsen)

Filmen kan også sees online hos Google video(trailer):
America Freedom to Fascism

I snurten får du presentert endel tema om hvorfor filmen er relevant for Norge, her finner du litt mer bakgrunnsmateriale:

Hele Norges gullbeholdning ble solgt i 2004:

Info hos Norges Bank, Pressemelding

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Norges gylne tabbe

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Taftøsaken, Gro Harlem Brundtlands neddoping av Synøve Taftø som kom for nære sannheten ang. EØS saken

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