En Illuminati avhopper i Norge

(Leo er blitt arrestert av norske mafi.. ehh, myndigheter les også mail fra Leo her)

De to tidligere innleggene jeg hadde skrevet om Leo Zagami ble slettet av VGmod, vi prøver en gang til, denne gangen uten å linke direkte til artikkelen han hvor han avslører norske medlemmer, det får du lete opp selv på hans side.

Han var en 33-grads frimurer i ‘P2-Lodge’ i Italia. Han er i blodslinje med Illuminati “king” Licio Gelli som han skulle ta over etter, men han tok til fornuft og valgte å gå ut av brorskapet. For at han skal skulle komme ut av det med livet i behold måtte han gå ut i offentligheten og fortelle hva som skjer.

Jeg anbefaler på det sterkeste at du laster ned og hører på disse radiointervjuene.

De vil forklare deg mye om hvordan den skjulte makteliten opererer og hvordan den er satt sammen.  Zagami gir deg også en forklaring på hvem som står bak 911 og hva vi må gjøre for å bekjempe onskapen. Og han forklarer at kampen vi må kjempe også er høyst spirituell, om dette høres litt fremmed ut så anbefaler jeg deg å høre intervjuene og gjør litt research på egen hånd. De fleste skjønner vel at vi ikke løser problemet om vi bytter ut George W og Co. Problemet må tas ved roten!

Kunnskapen denne mannen sitter inne med er virkelig enorm!

LeoZagami hos Greg Szymanski GCN

Del 1 – 2006-10-18

Del 2 – 2006-11-30

Del 3 – 2006-11-06

Del 4 – 2006-11-20

Her kan du høre/laste ned intervju med Leo på
Red Ice Creations Radio (svensk nettradio), del 2 av showet

Les om den Svenske, Norske delen av Illuminati på Illuminati-News

The Swedish, Norwegian and Scandinavian Branches of the Illuminati

Illuminati Rebel Issues Dire Warning, Battle Cry

Hør også 2timers intervju på Greg Szymanski’s The Arctic Beacon
Time 1 og Time 2, her forklarer han hvordan norske myndigheter lar seg manipuleres og hvordan de gjorde ulovlige overtramp.

Norther Resistanse gjengir et intervju med Leo

Litt mer info finner du her på forumet på Vaken.se,
flere nyheter om Leo

Her finner du noen av utnevnelsene til Leo
(Legg merke til navnet på utstederen)

Leo Lyon Zagami sin hjemmeside Illuminati Confessions:

Leo Zagami på Currentissues.tv


Leo Zagami på YouTube:

Interview with ex-freemason and illuminati:Leo Zagami Vol 1

Interview with ex-freemason and illuminati:Leo Zagami Vol 2

Litt oppdateringer om Leo mai-08
Leo har dratt over til USA… her er tre små klipp som forklarer hva han gjør der..

Leo Zagami, Ted L Gunderson and More

Vatican Starts Underground War in USA using THE ILLUMINATI

Zagami is forming a MILITIA IN THE USA! NOW YOU KNOW! But, what you DIDN’T KNOW is that this IS A STRATEGIC MOVE being manipulate by THE VATICAN!!!


I tillegg har norske myndigheter sagt til han at de ikke ønsker at han skal komme tilbake til Norge, dette fordi de tydelig vis er ute etter å hindre at han får kontakt med sønnen sin. (et vanlig mafiatriks er å prøve å ta barna bort fra foreldrene, barneran kan det kalles)

Følgelig er Leo forbannet, og kommer med drapstrusler til en jødisk Stoltenberg.. hør selv: Drapstrussel til Stoltenberg

(Hentet fra Project Camelot, oppdatering 19.mai.07)

Szymanski disassociates himself from Zagami – 1 of 7

Her er en samleside med radiointervjuer om Leo:


En samle side med masse info om Leo:


Leo har nå dratt til Italia.

Mer info her:

Illuminati Grandmaster Leo Zagami reveals inside secrets

6 thoughts on “En Illuminati avhopper i Norge

  1. Heisann
    Har allerede linket til artikkelen din i innlegget 🙂
    Virkelig morsomt å se OTO sine bortforklaringer …
    Keep ut the good work!

  2. Fra:http://www.thebiggest

    According to my knowledge and findings

    Freemasonry in Norway is not hidden or difficult to investigate as their records are open to the public and of the current 18.000 or so members today the top levels were disclosed with names and titles in a national newspaper a few years ago, along with interviews. This was because of journalists being aware of the national public interest in freemasonry initiated by conspiracy researchers during recent years.

    In Norway freemasonry traditionally only allows Christians to become members and there has been a debate going on whether to allow Jews and Muslims etc. to join. Ironically it is forbidden to discuss religion and politics in the norwegian lodges so the bottom line is that freemasonry in Norway is a cultural and social matter. Culture is something the norwegians do not take lightly however and traditions are valued – even though McDonald’s, MTV and all that is common there too.

    During the second world war the freemasons in Norway were the foremost fighters against the Nazi threat and very involved in the resistance. Just like in Sweden where one of the prominent bankers (!) Wallenberg was in cohorts with the germans who plotted to assasinate Hitler in the famous bombing which merely injured Hitler’s right arm, prominent norwegians within the church and politics were fighting Quisling et al. tooth and nail and as is common knowledge they managed to expose traitors in their midst. Norwegians are by definition very nationally aware of their recent history and wary of being controlled by powers outside their borders. This is part of their identity and psychological make-up. In positions of political influence there are weird people of course – what I am talking about is the general national attitude.

    For Leo Zagami to claim that freemasonry in Norway is satanic and promoting a NWO is wild and unfounded. His accusations become even more absurd when he himself associates with the New Right – a neo-nazi group which is opposed to Islam being practised in the country. He is in contact with these people after having converted to Islam himself. What is wrong with this picture?

    A few of the individuals Zagami is accusing of wanting to “Nazify” Norway are teachers in Norwegian universities. My former father-in-law is a retired teacher and friend of these people and just to get some confirmation about their characters I spoke with him last night. According to him they are aware that Zagami is writing defamatory rubbish about them but as it is obvious to anyone with knowledge about the backgrounds of these people he is not taken seriously. In effect they feel sorry for him and wishes for him to get some help for his condition. That is how he put it.

    My former father-in-law called again later after having read the website and articles by Zagami and mentioned what he saw as a culture shock for Zagami. The norwegian mentality is vastly different from the Italian and/or Sicilian, and I too can verify that when I came to Sweden in 1990 and later Norway (lived there 2000-2004) I went trough a similar crisis when trying to acclimatise and understand people in Scandinavia. England and Scotland is not all that different from Sweden and Norway but there are differences nevertheless. I think this is a factor which should be taken into consideration as well when trying to understand Zagami. Footnote: my former father-in-law is not a freemason or member of any society apart from the ornitological society (birds – with wings, not the women) and the Lutheran church. He is Sami but considers himself equally norwegian.

    Which brings me on to another important detail. Zagami says the Vatican controls Sweden and Norway and Iceland which is absolutely outrageous. These are lutheran countries and state and church are separated and there are even discussions in Norway about having a vote on whether to keep or abolish the monarchy.

    I am not trying to defend freemasonry at all by this – what I am saying is that Zagami’s claims that Scandinavia is already “Nazified” and in the pocket of the Vatican are the first obvious signs that he is forwarding unsubstanciated claims with no grounds in reality. Catholicism/the Vatican/the mob mentality/religious orders are not “players” in any way that counts at all in Scandinavia – it is so absurd I have no words for it.

    Politically there are characters whom through the membership in NATO and ideologically are in agreement with some of the world leaders with world domination ideas in line with capitalism and class think – as in every other country. However the mess Zagami is putting forward with religion, politics, and all sorts of fantastic associations like the esoteric in his own imagination is not even sloppy research – it is outright a wild fantasy. I am guessing that he is projecting the situation in his own country onto the scandinavian ones and I also think he is quite eager to attract the attention of authority figures for reasons known only to himself.

    Well, these are some of the points which has me certain of him not being a bonafide researcher in any way. I believe he has personal problems and is projecting his problems onto the world at large, identifying with it to the extreme. There are conspiracies/plans for the future to be unveiled of course which is what allows him to do this. I am not saying all researchers have mental problems – however I acknowledge that the field attracts mentally unstable people.

    If he has ever been tortured in Norway three times as he claims – why is he eager to stay and happy to have received a prolonged permit? What is wrong with this picture? He should take his case to the Haag or something if he wants to hold Norway accountable for violations against his human rights. Right?

    Another footnote:
    During the early years of this century a Mullah Krekar has been an often featured character in the press in Norway. My strong hunch is that Zagami is seeing Islam as oppressed and therefore “the truth” through all the circus around Krekar.

    The questions so far then:

    * Why does Zagami after his conversion to Islam support the New Right – a neo-nazi group wanting to ban Islam being practised in Norway?

    * Why is Zagami not moving from Norway after having been “tortured three times by the Norwegian government”, filing a complaint about his human rights having been violated – instead he is chuffed his permit has been prolonged so he can continue to live and work in that awful and horrible “nazified” country?

    * Where is the proof that the Vatican is controlling Scandinavia – and how exactly?

    There is more but frankly I feel that going through his information is less and less interesting the more I read his ramblings which only seem to elevate his person primarily – using the grand conspiracies as a tool to do so.

    Had he come out under a pseudonym and stayed underground, sticking only to “inside information” not to be found anywhere else on the net nor in any other book – I would give him the benefit of the doubt. So far – I am personally not impressed.


  3. Etter en anonym henvendelse, så har jeg blitt overlevert et Brev, av FARLIG utspill som skjer i NORGES LAND.Norge er Korrupt,og blitt endel av NWO!The New World Order!Bill og Kerry ble Overvåket,da de var i Oslo!LES BREVET HER!

    Da de skulle interjuve den Norske Politikeren, så måtte de Avbryte sitt møte med denne!

    De holdt nesten på å bli arresterte i Italia, og imens de var borte,
    ble bilen deres gjennomsøkt på en sikret parkeringsplass på Flyplassen!

    Dette er virkelig et FARLIG spill….Og skulle noe hende MEG, så vet dere Grunnen!!!
    Jeg har ingen intensjon å ta mitt eget liv, og er også medlem på “Det runde Bord”!

    (Vær så snill å kopier dette, og send det til dine venner!!)

    Mvh.Trond Egil Nørstad!!

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